In today's very special Devlog....

Alright, y’all, this devlog is a little different—well, actually, this devlog is very different from our usual.

Firstly, Canterlot Exchange’s page is now ready for the public and you can check it out  ->HERE<-.

(Go on. Click it. You know you want to~.)

I know, I know. The little arrows are cool. Now, on to some more dour news.

Server Shutdown

We’re gonna be shutting the server down before the end of the day. The reasoning for this is that with us working on multiple projects, we really didn’t wanna have to continue constantly managing the server as well. Well, that and the server serves virtually no purpose at this point.

Obviously, we’re still working on the games.

There just won’t be an official Homeschool Studios Discord server anymore. So yeah, from now on we’ll be primarily announcing things via and Irrelevant’s Twitter page (Link is in the team roster). But yeah, dudes. That’s about all we really had to say. Sorry to drop this news on y’all so suddenly, but, uh,  them’s the breaks, baby.

Girlboss, Gaslight, Gouge, and Guillotine.

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I mostly use only discord servers as a meme dispensary anyway, so...


This is probably for the best: Moving information off of community Discords and back onto the broader internet is better for everybody.


I hope the fact you closed the discord means faster updates. Otherwise I'd rather have it back


well... good luck with that mate.


That's really a shame. I was wondering why I got booted from the discord. Well, good luck on the production, looking forward to whatever you guy's have in store

(1 edit) (+9)

Sad to hear, Discord is usually the go-to for consumers since not all adult games distribute their news on the same platform.  Is a convenient hub for all would-be heathens.