The "No breaks for Spring Break" Devlog!

Hey, everyone! 

I know it's been a minute since our last devlog… like… a LOT of minutes, actually, but with N.O.V.E.L.'s first season being officially finished, we wanted to take a second and touch base.

And we’ll do that by answering some questions!

>New devlog when?

Response image Right now!

>How many days will the demo cover?

I think we've answered that before, but the demo will cover the first 7 days and will serve to introduce the main cast, and give the player a good feel for what Anon will be dealing with.

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>Will there be more characters in the game than the ones shown on the page?

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>Dive, is this game 18+? Please, Dive, I need an answer, Dive. C'mon, Dive. Please, Dive…


Yes. Canterlot Exchange will be more NSFW than N.O.V.E.L

>What kind of game will this even be?

Canterlot Exchange is a slice of life / comedy / nsfw visual novel with multiple romance routes.

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>Will there be an option to play as a girl?


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>Will I be able to change Anon's name and appearance?

Again, I think we've already answered that one, but no. Anon's name and appearance are set in stone.

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>I will lay my life on the line for you if you make Adagio a romance option.

Not really a question, but it made me laugh!

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>When is the game coming out?

We're working on things and getting story elements, art, and music assets fleshed out and in order, but there's not really a concrete date on that yet. We're gonna try to keep y'all posted, with new devlogs more than once every thousand years from here on out… 

...TRY being the keyword.

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So... yeah! We'll keep y'all posted.

Till next time!


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so is our name anon or can we customize the mc gender and name and all that? (will it be a feature)

The player character’s name is Anon. His appearance, sex, and name cannot be changed.

There’s literally a part in the devlog that says that.

so he's a dude got it (I'm dimwitted)


Do you Guys have a donations place patreons or ect ?


Nope! We’ll have a tip jar set up at release, but other than that we aren’t taking money for the game. Feel free to support the team as individuals if you’d like, though. Their links and what not are listed on the page.


Alright can't wait to tips been looking for  game like that for a bit thank for the fast answer.


hell yeah! Content eventually my favorite, seriously though people are so impatient, love what y'all do making stuff for series I enjoy thanks for adding to the things that I have to look forward to besides mag dumping into trash.

(1 edit)

Based on what you guys’ve shown so far, I just know this game’s gonna rock so hard. Can’t wait for the demo!!


That adagio commenter...they're alright in my book.


Looks like a blast! Hope it goes smoothly. Is there plans for a harem route or is it 1 girl per playthrough?


will there be any ACTUAL nsfw like nudity or is it strictly talking about sex n stuff




I would assume so since Operation N.O.V.E.L is also on android 


I really like that our character is completely set in stone, customization just means that there is less space for our character to be a REAL character and have lines and quips referring directly to like, his hair or his clothes and especially his gender. Customizable blank slates are for losers seriously

I just need Luna and derpy and wallfower as romance options. That's all I need!


Thanks for the update! Though I'm pretty disappointed for not asking whether it's an exclusive hs romance or something with a 'mommy' dynamic. But that comes with problems.

Nooooope. No “mommy dynamics” planned.


Sad, but understandable.


Will we see all of the Mane six at some point?


>Will the game make my father come back from getting cigarettes?


Possibly, but only if you put $5,000 in the tip jar.


I only have $4,999.99 pls D:


looking forward to more dev logs