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Sooo if I want to give it a chance I have to go in knowing what I can expect.

Soo is this like the other game where there is no real NSFW stuff?

I don't count being nakes for a second or showing a bra like I read and remember, that it was the chase with the other game.

If I know it right now I can at least go in playing it for a possible nice story.


the game will bisexual, or it just would be strainght...?



When the game comes out



Alright.. I registered just for the sake of making comments here and for this game. I have so many questions and really excited about this game!! New devlog when?? Will there be any more characters except from ones we have our look now?? 


looks awesome. cant wait

by the way we cant downlooad by the ichio app can you fix it please


You can't download at all. The game isn't out yet.

(1 edit)

it is going to be out with operation novel updates sorry if it sounds stupid but wanted to know because I'm very excited if they will release in the same day 

No sir, it will be out at a later date.

(2 edits)

ooh okay thanks i guess 

oh and I saw that canterlot exchange have Days on it so how many days the demo will have if it's fine to get an answer 

Alguna actualización por aquí?

Nice meme think I'll take it - iFunny

Any update?


Hey Anondive, I'm really looking forward to this game. I wish I knew how Miscon was able to make girls so damn smug. Is this game going to be fully SFW? Or is that a question for later in development?

Good luck! :)


Hey. No, Canterlot Exchange will not be fully SFW.


Ganamos gente.


Like just sly nudity or actual clopping/mass debating/sexual intercourses?

What kind of visual novel will this be?


Comedy/Slice of Life/NSFW.


Took awhile for you to respond but this is good news, especially with the art style shown in the screenshots.

(1 edit)

Is the game out?

Not yet.

(1 edit)

i will lay my life if you make adagio a romance option

that's a weird way of spelling spitfire :^)


that's an even weirder way of spelling trixie

adagio supremacy

agreed, I love my evil siren :)




I did not know we can reply with images. Missed opportunity right there for me. Oh well.

sooooo... any news


I guess it IS about time to get y’all a devlog…



'69 days ago'... nice.


BASED ass Anon for dev.


Just found out about this and am now totally hyped! Take all the time you need, though. No rush


I was wondering, there's no NSFW tag on the page, is this going to be a NSFW game, or just a regular dating sim? i couldn't find an answer anywhere


Hey boss i have some news for you... THERE IS NO FRAKKING DOWNLOAD BUTTON YA JACKASS


That's crazy... almost like the game is still under development or something


Look im sorry ok but if you are gonna have a download button. Then have something to download


Again, like Anondive said, it's still in development. There is no "Download Button" yet.

This page is here to keep those interested informed of the game's status.


I get it fine...


This type of comment is NOT constructive criticism, nor is it positive. Please refrain from continuing to be negative. Thanks!!


look at the date I posted it asshole before you reply

I don't know what you're talking about


I posted it months before you replied you dumbass I already talked to the dev


One more day and it will be 100 days since last dev log. I am so excited.



Miscontoku!? I was not expecting to find this after checking out Operation NOVEL! Can't wait!


I'm just really excited for any devlog at this point...


Devlog soonish. Just getting a few things together for it.


Don't worry bro, take all the time you need


I will be lesbian


I have some bad news for you..


nooooooo!!!! 😭   

Srsly tho the art from what I'm seeing so far is pretty good tho.


Any second now..


I tried to install it but it always say:

"Cannot read property 'build' of undefined"

Is there a way to fix this?



It's not out yet...


Ahh. That makes sense. The install button on the browser confused me a bit. Thanks for the clarification.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Do you guys have discord?



Negative, boss. We don’t have a server for the game or anything.




By the way, the tagline is misspelled. "Friendship"


>no hooves



I know it's still very early but will there be a patch or Spanish version in the future?


I remember Miscon, I guess I didn't recognize the style with clothes on lol, but seriously that just excites me more for this, I'm a big fan.




I like how they look instead of how they look in the high school series not that it was bad but this feels somewhat better.


Day 1: Started the countdown for Canter Lot High visual novel. Anticipation fills the air, and excitement is unbearable. What sort of whacky hijinks is in for me in this narrative? I just can't wait to find out!

Day 7: A week in, but the wait feels longer than expected. They appear to be working on the game, while simultaneously working on their personal lives. So they can't really work on it all the time, just have to be patient.

Day 15: Halfway through the month, and the initial enthusiasm is waning. The lack of updates adds to the uncertainty. Can't shake off the feeling that perhaps it will take months or maybe even years - nothing to do but wait... The thoughts of Rairity smashing my balls eases the doubts in my head. Trying to stay optimistic.

Day 30: One month down, and the thrill is fading. The once vibrant anticipation now feels like a distant echo. Is this visual novel worth the lengthy wait? I asked as the demons fills my head with uncertainty. I sigh and shake it off as I mumble under my breath in the cold floor - maybe just a few more days...

Day 44: At the 44-day mark, hope is dwindling. The wait feels like an endless labyrinth in a very normal size Ikea, and the initial excitement has turned into a nagging doubt. Wondering if the game is actually real or if Rairity is actually able to crush my nutsack in game. For all I know I'm already dead, with my nuts leaking seminal fluids on the floor as I lose consciousness after smashing it with a waffle iron. It feels warm...

Day 45: I pissed my bed.


Sorry about your bed…?


Are you still not gonna take money from people?


If no money, how can one help.

I figured it out, the artist has a patreon. That's about as close as you are gonna get.


Well at least the page works


When will the download be possible? I've been looking for equestria girl themed stuff for a long time


We’re working on stuff, but we haven’t set an official release date yet. We’ll be updating y’all on things periodically through devlogs, though.


Like how you do the profiles for the characters and the overall way the games go can't wait to try it when it comes out.

Deleted 313 days ago

Nope. Anon's name and appearance are set in stone in both games


I'm personally a fan. A lot of these kinds of games default to the reserved, ambiguous, easy-to-self-insert type of protagonist. So it's a refreshing change of pace when the MC has actual character, allowing for their conversations with the rest of the cast to feel a little more like genuine dialogue, rather than a detached observer.


Thank you.

At this rate please give us a month when you think this is going to come out 

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